Monthly Archives: July 2012

Sales Addiction is Now MarketingEez

Be a Salesperson – Not a Politician (Perry Mason, Politics and Paychecks)

My latest cinematic masterpiece tries to explain the importance of answering questions that you are asked with actual answer as opposed to pivoting to something you think will make the questioner forget what he asked in the first place.

Why All Businesses Need a Mobile Website or: “I Don’t Think My Customers Use Smartphones”

There has always been a certain resistance to new technology – especially with small businesses. It’s a legitimate point of view that if you invest in every new thing that comes along you’ll be disappointed more often than not. The challenge is to be able to analyze what’s new and make an educated guess about how best to stay current.

Today, it’s more important than ever. Due to the technological revolution of the last 15 years or so, competition is deeper and wider than ever before. A locally run business can easily be challenged by an enterprise that primarily exists in the ether.

When competition for customers becomes fierce, the strong will survive. The strong competitor is defined as the one that provides the best value for the client. Value and service are everything. There is one caveat to that statement:

If your customers can find your competitors easier than they can find you – value becomes secondary.