Monthly Archives: April 2011

Free Sales Seminar in Danbury 5/18: “Stop Asking For Referrals” and Other Assorted Sales Heresies

If you’re personally committed to all the sales training you’ve had in the past, this session is not for you.

Traditional sales training teaches you that the prospect is an adversary and provides you “techniques” designed to help you emerge from the battle in victory. We’ll be challenging the very core of that philosophy and discuss how going outside your comfort zone will help you sell more of what you sell – and have more fun while doing it. Read the rest of this entry

How Cool is BlackBird Pie?

So now you can embed a live tweet in your blog using WordPress Blackbird Pie.

Like this that i just posted on Twitter.

Doesn’t have to be your own tweet.  It takes two seconds to do. – very cool.

Details HERE

I Don’t Have Time To Get Organized

I made this sign a while back and I have it hanging on the wall right above my monitor.  It is front of me – eye level – whenever I am working in my office.  I stare it while I am working.  I’m staring at it right now.  Since I am aware that in my business model, these are the core things I have to do in order to keep growing my business, how come this is the first post I’ve written on this blog in a little over two weeks?

How come I’ve  only had one cup of Starbucks’ Green tea in the last 10 days?  How come that other than a flurry of Tweets over the last few days, have I pretty much been invisible on Twitter for some time?

Oh I have a good answer – one that allows me not to feel guilty.  I have too much to do!  Between working on actual paying projects, working intensely on some long-term marketing stuff and a plethora of family things to get done, I simply haven’t had time to work on my sphere of influence communication.

If a coaching client told me those were his reasons for ignoring these basic yet vital activities, I suspect he’d see my dark side. I’d tell him that there are only two solutions, based on the truth of his excuses. The first is acknowledging that Read the rest of this entry